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GLEAMING and Window Cleaning

When you run a window cleaning business you may need to use self employed window cleaners to help you or maybe employ people on a PAYE basis. 

How they get paid doesn't matter, the fact that they work for you means they legally have to be covered by an Employers Liability Insurance policy.  Whether you have one person working for you for a few hours a week or a team of self employed cleaners working 16+ hours a week you still have the same legal obligation.  Anyone working for you has to be covered by law in accordance with the Employers Liability (Compulsory) Insurance Act 1969.

Your Specialised GLEAMING public liability policy includes:

Damage to Property Worked On

This covers you if you are accused of damaging whatever you are cleaning. Without this extension to your cover, you would be left to deal with the matter yourselves. 

Loss of Customers' Keys

If you are responsible for holding keys for your customers then you will need to ensure you have cover should you lose them.  Our policy provides key holding cover as standard.

Failure to Secure a Customer's Premises

When you leave the premises you have cleaned you may be responsible for locking up and setting alarms and if you fail to do this you could be liable should anyone break into the premises. Our policy covers you for such occurrences.

Losses from Dishonesty

You will have undoubtedly made checks on all your staff or self-employed cleaners but you could still be exposed to potential claims should one of them decide to steal from your customers.  The insurer will pay for the sums you have to pay as compensation to your client following fraud and dishonesty.  However, they will not make any payments for your clients' losses;

  • where you do not have a suitable reference for the employee covering the period of at least 2 years immediately prior to commencement of employment with you; 


  • unless you notify us of such losses during the period of insurance or within 30 days of the expiry of the period of insurance; 

Tools, equipment and machinery insurance

Whatever type of cleaning you do the chances are you use some kind of equipment to carry out your work.   We can provide cover for damage to or theft of your equipment.

We automatically include cover for £1,000 under all our policies, which you can increase for an additional premium. 

We would strongly advise you to read the insurer's policy wording below so you are familiar with where the cover is provided. 

To find out more how GLEAMING can help your business and gain a quote visit


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