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Cleaning the Office

During this last year, we have seen the need for more and more attention to be paid to the cleaning regimes we operate within the office space.

Office Cleaning is now an important part of the working life and with it comes risks.

GLEAMING INSURANCE will help to mitigate those risks with specialist insurance.

​GLEAMING INSURANCE are specialist insurance brokers to the office cleaning industry and can provide your business with the level of specialist protection it needs. We are recognized and approved by many trade associations as specialists to the industry We can include cover for: Damage to Property Worked On This covers you if you are accused of damaging whatever you are cleaning whether that be an office table, carpet or anything else that you may clean as part of your usual activities. Without this extension to your cover, you would be left to deal with the matter yourselves. Treatment Risks If you use solutions or chemicals during the cleaning process (including bleach) then you probably know it is common for damage to be caused by such products. Such damage is covered under the Treatment Risks extension. Many insurers exclude treatment risk, but we can include it for you. Loss of Customers' Keys If you are responsible for holding keys for your customers then you will need to ensure you have cover should you lose them. Our policy provides key holding cover as standard. Failure to Secure a Customer's Premises When you leave the premises you have cleaned you may be responsible for locking up and setting alarms and if you fail to do this you could be liable should anyone break into the premises. Our policy covers you for such occurrences. Just visit our homepage to get your quote today.

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