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Duct Cleaning

We provide insurance cover to lots of commercial cleaning contractors who get involved with cleaning kitchens and the ducting that goes with it.

This is often a cover that other insurers will simply not provide, but we can offer this automatically for you to make sure you stay protected.

kitchen duct cleaning insurance

The job is a technically demanding one that requires a lot of attention to detail and is often carried out in tight spaces.

The potential for damage and injury is higher than most standard cleaning activities but we are happy to underwrite this and provide the insurance protection.

Naturally, as the cover is so specialised the insurers would expect any kitchen duct cleaner to have completed all the necessary risk assesments and method statement and they would need to provide their staff with the training and personal protective equipment.

If you are working as a Kitchen Duct Cleaner, then we can provide the insurance protection for you and your business, so visit our home page and get a quotation.

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