Exterior Cleaning Work
We provide specialist liability insurance covers to all kinds of cleaning contractors across the UK whether they work inside a premises, or if they clean the exterior of the property.
The exterior of a property requires just as much cleaning and care sometimes as the interior and if this is the work that you carry out then we can help.
Lots of other insurers policy wordings won't cover you for cleaning the exterior but GLEAMING INSURANCE can provide this for you automatically.
So if you are a Window Cleaner, Power Washer or Patio and Driveway Cleaner then our specialist policy will provide you with the most appropriate cover for your business.
Our policy can also provide:
Damage to Property Worked On - this is not usually provided on cheaper policies, but we offer this to make sure you are covered for anything you are working on.
Treatment Risks - again, a cover not usually provided of the cheaper policies, but we offer this to protect you from damage caused by chemicals or cleaning solutions.
Free Tools Cover - we provide £1,000 of free tools and equipment cover with every one of our policies, giving you that added protection.
You can obtain your quotation on our WEBSITE and it will take just a couple of minutes as we have done most of the underwriting for you.
Let GLEAMING INSURANCE take care of your legal liability protections and help keep your business covered for all eventualities.