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Kitchen Cleaning Specialists

Many commercial cleaning contractors will specialize in certain areas, but whilst they can create this expertise, very few insurance policies will be so adaptive.

Lots of specialist cleaning contractors won't have the correct cover in place to protect them from the work they do. A classic example of this lies in the field of kitchen cleaning, where many insurance policies exclude work on ducting and ventilation systems.

If you are carrying out work in a kitchen environment it is crucial that both your public and your employers' liability policies are fit for purpose.

You need to make sure that there are no exclusions preventing you from working on ducting and you need to make sure that the policy has the extensions to include "damage to property worked upon" and "treatment risks".

Gleaming Insurance only works with cleaning contractors, and our policy has been designed to cover the work that you do and that includes cover for duct cleaning and we can also include all the extensions you need.

You can visit our website and get your kitchen cleaning specialists insurance quotation and if you are happy with it, you can place the cover and obtain all your documents.


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