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Treatment Risks Insurance

When you are working as a carpet and upholstery cleaner, the single most important extension you need to your public liability cover is treatment risks.

If you don't know what that means or you are not sure if your current policy has that included then you need to read on.

Treatment Risks provides the cover for when something is damaged as a result of the application of a chemical or a cleaning solution - this is typically a change in colour, staining or even shrinkage.

Treatment Risks is not a stand-alone product, it is part of a Public Liability policy, which is known as a policy extension. Most insurance companies don't provide it and that is where a cleaner can get caught out.

Cheap policies bought typically from a comparison website will not include treatment risks insurance, and that is because the policies sold there are not just for cleaners - any trade can have them, builders, plumbers, electricians, plasterers, even dog walkers!

You need to get your cover from a specialist like GLEAMING INSURANCE who only deal with cleaning contractors and the policy wording is comprehensive and inclusive of treatment risks cover.

The GLEAMING INSURANCE product includes treatment risks cover along with damage to property worked on.

GLEAMING INSURANCE are members of the NCCA (National Carpet Cleaners Association) which recognises the excellent levels of cover and service we provide.

Don't take chances with cheap inferior covers, make sure you protect yourself, your customers and your business with a policy from GLEAMING INSURANCE.


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